Animal Welfare Licence (Dog Breeding) No. 25/00018/ANIMAL

Savdeeta the home of Shar-Pei,
  Chihuahuas &

Lilac Bear coat Shar-Pei puppyBuying from Overseas

Over the years we have sold several puppies to people in countries outside the UK, primarily the US. Obviously each country has its own set of laws and regulations regarding importing dogs and puppies, and the various airlines that allow puppies on board have their own rules and regulations also. This is why I cannot provide a comprehensive list of which countries I am prepared to sell to, or prices for transportation.

Previously we have relied on the people purchasing our puppies to arrange the transportation, with our input being to make sure the puppy is ready to travel and has a 'Fit to Travel' document from our vet. We also have to keep the puppy for longer than is normally required when selling within the UK, at our expense.

In terms of what needs to be addressed when considering importing a puppy (from the UK), these are the most important issues:-


Specialist Pet Couriers

Most people who have bought puppies from us from outside the UK have used specialist pet couriers. These are, as the name suggests, companies that arrange the transportation, usually from door to door, including flights and all the necessary legal paperwork. Any medical/health requirements would need to be arranged by us before the intended transportation (this will need to be paid for by you).

Here are some links to a few specialist pet couriers here in the UK. With and beyond this, you can research what country/state-specific requirements there are where you live.

Contact us if you have any further questions related to this.